Monkey Junction is a place for me to spout off about nothing. This site will be filled with a bunch of useless knowledge from the world of music, movies, tv, and anything else that creeps it's way into my melon.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007



It seems like Je Suis France(JSF) loyalists have been waiting for this album to hit the stores for like 15 years. After the release of FANTASTIC AREA in 2003 JSF has been tossing out cd-r's left and right to keep their rabid fan base at bay while they crafted, recorded and perfected their 3rd LP AFRIKAN MAJIK(AM).

AM cranks up with a 16 minute jam that assaults your ears and draws you into JSF's mysterious world of auditory madness. After that, you are their bitch for the rest of the record as they continue to smack you around with their original brand of noisy psychedelic inde rock. It is not all an intense bombardment of crunchy noise, there are a few tracks with spacey organs and relaxing sounds that allow you to chill out before the assault continues.

I play this album once a week for my son because he really digs it. I hit play and he bobs his head, shakes his ass and bounces up and down, I can see the thanks for me in his eyes for playing kick ass tunes for his listening pleasure instead of that Barney crap.

If you are tired of the same ol' crap snatch you a copy of AM when it comes out on May 29th on Antenna Farm Records.

1 comment:

darkness said...