Monkey Junction is a place for me to spout off about nothing. This site will be filled with a bunch of useless knowledge from the world of music, movies, tv, and anything else that creeps it's way into my melon.

Monday, February 25, 2008


WILCO - THE RIVIERA - CHICAGO, IL - 2/15/2008 - 2/20/ 2008

I was switching around the ol TV the other night and passed a story about Wilco. Which channel it was I do not remember, but the story was about Wilco's shows at the Riviera in Chicago. They were there for 5 nights, and over the course of those five shows they supposedly played every song from every record they have released.

So of course the shows have to be out there in Internet world somewhere correct?

Thank you trusty you always have what I am looking for, well most of the time.

All five shows were posted for download and the wait was well worth it. Not only are the set lists pretty damn sweet but the recording quality is freakin awesome. It is not perfect, but pretty close. The music does not drown out the vocals nor do the vocals overwhelm the music.

I have finished listening to the first night and it is incredible, I cannot wait to listen to the rest. Guess my son is going to be getting a heavy dose of Wilco this week, which is cool because I think he is tired of listening to Kevn Kinney.

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