It looks like Manny Ramirez is going to be on a 50 game vacation, not by his decision of course.
Manny got slammed with a 50 game suspension today after testing positive for a banned substance.
The unofficial word is that it was not steroids nor HGH, but a substance on the MLB banned list.
He took a substance that increased his testosterone levels. Manny says he got medicine from a Doctor for a personal health issue, and the doctor did not think the medication would pose any problem.
So it looks like Manny got busted for quote my lil' bro....."boner pills".
He was busted for a substance in his system that is either used in fertility treatments or in medicines like Viagra.
Here is what I think about the whole thing.
1. Manny should have checked the medicine out with MLB before taking it, not just go by what the doc thought. So if it had a banned substance in the medicine he deserves what he gets.
2. If it is proven to be a "boner pill" and he had legitimate medical reason to take it then it is pretty sad he is getting suspended for trying to put some "starch back in his shirt" so to speak.
3. Here is Manny getting suspended for using Viagra, and A-Rod admits to using steroids yet he is allowed to play with no penalties. I know that steroids were not banned at that time, but he was taking an ILLEGAL DRUG, Manny was not. Sad sad sad MLB.
I predict a big time appeal from the players union if that is an option.
no excuses IMHO. leave your shit at the door and see you in 50 days. No excuses! You would think after all of the warnings and cases MLB has gone through, you would think the player would take responsibility for what you put in your body. I am tired of the "I didnt know" crap. Send the message CLEAR. Good job MLB.
Excuses are like mailboxes every one has one (i have 3 btw).... :-p
Now that hey are sayign it was a drug used for infertility only I think it is obvious he was cheating and needs to get banned.
Unless he was just having a rough time ovulating.
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