Monkey Junction is a place for me to spout off about nothing. This site will be filled with a bunch of useless knowledge from the world of music, movies, tv, and anything else that creeps it's way into my melon.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Je Suis France - The Drunken Unicorn - 7-14-07

Saturday night I attended a show at the Drunken Unicorn in Atlanta. I had never been there before and was impressed, it was a very good room to showcase bands. It was just big enough to still be intimate without feeling like you were jammed into a sardine can, but enough about the venue, on to the show.

There were three bands playing, but the main reason I was there was to check out Athens, GA's own JE SUIS FRANCE. They were crammed into the middle between BRASS CASTLE and the RUMP POSSE. I saw a little of BRASS CASTLE, two guys, a guitar and a drum set, not bad, but I spent most of their set in the bar as for the RUMP POSSE, not much to say about them. Then the FRANCE hit the stage. It was the first show they had all played together in a while, and it was the first show of the tour, and they had limited rehearsal, and they were all tired, but they KICKED ASS. Seven guys were all crammed onto a stage that was clearly made for no more than 4 yet they moved as one living thing, switching guitars, moving to mics, changing drummers and keyboard players without stepping on feet or knocking over each other. With the exception of one mix up and blowing the bass amp the set was flawless. They sounded tight, as if they had been playing together for months.

They only played for 45 minutes but boy was it a good 45 minutes. They had a good mix of older material with stuff off of their new record. It was good hearing "Memorial Day", "California Rules" and "Fantastic Area" and "Ice Age". The new stuff sounded good live, "That Don't Work That Well For Us", "Whalebone" and "California Still Rules". "Whalebone" may have been the best song of the night, it was pretty damn incredible live. DJ Hammond totally kicked the keyboards ass while singing in almost perfect unison with Jeff Griggs who never once put down his Miller High Life. The multiple guitarists throughout the show, Darkenss, Ice, Crog, DJ and the others played together as one monster guitar unit which really slammed your ears, I knew I should have brought my ear plugs. They finished the show with a scaled down version of their ever present instrumental "Sufficiently Breakfast". While not the 15+ minute version that runs the gamut of musical genres, it still packed a nice punch. People were dancing, high-fiving and having an all around good time while they ran through the final tune.

This show was pretty damn good for their opening night, hell it was pretty damn good for any night. I was a little disappointed they didn't play a cover song which they usually mix into their set but I will survive. I would suggest you check them out live if you get the chance. They are playing 8 shows in 7 nights, traveling from GA to the north east to KY and back to GA where they will end the tour with a slammin show at the Caledonia Lounge in Athens, GA on July 21st.

Check out their web site, , their myspace page, , or their record label page, for more info on the tour and their new album AFRIKAN MAJIK. You can also google them, there are quite a few reviews and blog articles about the band and their new record.


Monday, July 9, 2007



After their last album I did not have high hopes for this one. I was pleasantly surprised when I played this record cause it kicks major grizzly bear ass. By adding other instruments you would not expect on a WS album they have changed their sound yet still kept their bad assnes in tact. Who would have thought bag pipes, horns, organs etc mixed with the bare bones rock of the stripes would equal one hell of an album. The song "Conquest" is freakin' AWESOME!


Pretty good record, nice to listen to, has a bite to it. His last couple of records were getting real mellow, but JD's edge is back with this one. It is a very nice listen when you want to chill out, or your sitting back sucking down a couple of brews. Another solid effort from the man from X.


I heard the song "Typical" for the first time. It was one of those songs that at first you are thinking eh, it's ok, but then as the song rolls to a climax, the pace picks up, it gets louder, stronger, really starts to kick ass. The rest of the album isn't as good as this song, bu tit is a nice listen. Check out the video for "Typical", it is pretty cool.


AHHHH PURE ASS KICKIN' ROCK. I think this record may be better than the first one. The boys bring that good ol rock n roll swagger back to the forefront where it should be. They kick your ears in with good ol fashioned guitar rock n roll. HELL YEAH!

5. TI - TI vs TIP

I never really listened to TI. Then I heard "You Know What It Is", good tune. So of course I checked out his new record, and I am hooked. I usually listen to old rap with a few new guys every so often, but TI is definitely the real deal. His lyrics are really good and they are over some sweet beats. Glad I heard this track.


Not bad, not bad, Ryan has put out another solid album. When I first listened to it I was not sold on this record, but then I played it a few times the other day and it is growing on me. Very good lyrics, and it is not as countryfied as I originally had thought. It is not as good as Cold Roses but definitely is much better than Jacksonville City Nights or 29.